Unknown error. Button, field, graphic, card or background not specified. ID collision. Interaction not permitted. Not a QuickTime VR Movie. Drag Manager not available. A QuickTime error occurred while converting the image file. Try allocating more memory to SuperCard. Help menu can't have submenus. Help menu is not present. Speech Recognition not active. Can't set up phrases. Memory may be low. Can't initialize Speech Recognition. Memory may be low. Speech Recognition extension not installed. Disc not in drive. Bad file type. Text too long. File not found. Bad mime type. Error loading URL. URL not found. URLs are not supported. Text resource not found. Text not found. Property not defined. Property already defined. Can't speak text. PICT resource not found. PICT not found. Can't get voice. Speech synthesis not available. Can't add sound. Can't record sound. No device selected. Sound Input not available. Sound channel is busy. Sound file not found. QuickTime 2.0 extension not installed. Program not found. File is open read-only. Can't find that icon. Unknown type Got error %d when sending Apple™ event. Timeout Not handled by target program. No current Apple™ event. Can't close file. Invalid STEP file format. Invalid STEP image dimensions. Invalid monitor bit-depth. Sound is off. Invalid sound type. Couldn't load sound. Can't play any more sounds. STEP file is open. PICS file is open. Movie file is open. Movie already playing. Resource not found. Invalid file format. Can't open that file. File is already open. Can't open any more files. Can't create that file. not found invalid date Not supported by this version of the system. STEP file not open. PICS file not open. Movie file not open. Filmstrip file not open. File not open. Cancel